Our Practice Areas
Family law & Divorce
The Lawyers at KCA have close to a decade of experience resolving divorce and other family law-related matters. We understand that every family is unique, and every situation requires a tailored strategy to best protect you and your children. Our lawyers handle all divorce and family law-related matters from the simplest uncontested divorce to complicated child custody disputes and high net worth divorces.
Our exceptional team of attorneys are experts in the following areas:
• Contested and Uncontested Divorce
• Child Custody and Parenting Time
• Division of Property, Assets, and Debts
• Father’s Rights
• Child Support
• Paternity
• Alimony
• Termination/Modification of Support
• Cohabitation
• Emancipation of Children
• College Contribution
• Relocation Out-of-Country
• Prenuptial Agreements
• Dissolution of Civil Unions and Domestic Partnerships
• Domestic Violence
• Restraining Orders
• Confidential and Strategic
We understand that privacy and strategy are uniquely important in all family law matters. Our clients place their trust in our services to protect them and their children during this difficult time in their lives. We provide the highest level of confidentiality, communication, and support to assist our clients with all aspects of their family law matter. From our initial consultation to the completion of your case, our attorneys provide an unmatched level of service, compassion, and guidance.